Proposing Conceptual model in Estanlising Modern Smart Learning System in Agricultural Sector based on Knowledge Management

Document Type : Extension


Faculty Member & Assistant Professor, Academic Relations and International Affairs, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Tehran, Iran.


This article follows a descriptive-analytical investigation in proposing a conceptual model for establishing a modern agricultural education system based on smart electronic learning based on knowledge management. Currently, systematic communication has made a tremendous evolution in knowledge sharing. The evolutions are the improvement of knowledge management systems based on expert systems. In fact, this modern education method is based on the foundations of smart learning. Knowledge sharing through using smart technologies has led us to modern education. The new education is a platform for the application of innovative foundations and smart technologies to increase flexibility, efficiency, adaptability, collaborative engagement, motivation, and inclusive feedback. The field of agricultural sciences has gained a significant impact on new situations. Agricultural education in Iran should follow the recent global developments. The research adapted system analysis and design methods to develop the proposed conceptual model. The main research finding is to propose a practical conceptual model for developing modern smart agricultural education based on knowledge management. The conceptual models can be applied in the development of smart learning at various levels of education, higher education institutes, universities, and educational affairs in the other sectors in Iran.


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