Peer Review Process
- Submitted articles must be consistent with the objectives and subject fields of the journal of Agricultural Information Science and Technology (JAIST).
- Registering the JAIST by referring to the Login section on the main page of the website (;
- completing the form and sending the article through the website;
- preliminary evaluation of article by JAIST editors and sending the article to the Journal editorial board to determine the appropriateness and relevance of the article to the policies and goals of the JAST;
- After the approval of the article by the editorial board, the received article will be sent to at least 2 referees. In case of disagreement between the referees about acceptance, the article will be sent to a third referee. If the opinion of the third referee is negative, a letter of non-acceptance of the article will be issued to the author(s) and the article will be removed from the refereeing process;
- Returning the referee’s suggestions to the author(s) and requesting the corrections if article approved by 2 referees;
- Re-uploading the modified article by the author(s);
- Reviewing the article and checking the status of applying referee’s suggestions by the author(s). If the suggestions are not applied accurately, the article will be returned to the author(S) twice for correction and editing. If the referees' comments are not applied accurately the second time, a letter of non-acceptance will be issued to the author(s) and the article will be removed from the refereeing process;
- Submitting articles for layout;
- Reviewing thearticle text and fixing possible errors;
- Publishing the magazine electronically and physically.